Community: ISD Parent Teacher Association

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ISD is thrilled to announce that ISD’s Parent Support Association (PSA) 2022-23 was established on September 28, 2022 at the annual election meeting. ISD is proud to have such a supportive PSA as partners in building a strong community to support our student success.  The 2022-23 school year promises to hold many positive possibilities with the continued cooperation and collaboration from our parents.

2022年9月28日,ISD本年度家委会委员选举大会圆满进行,2022-23学年家委会正式成立。学校很自豪有家委会与学校一起共同创建一个团结友爱的社群,并为学生的美好未来共同努力。 在良好的家校合作和家长们的大力支持下,我们将在2022-23学年再创佳绩!

ISD는2022년 9월 28일 연례 선거 회의에서 ISD의 학부모 지원 협회(PSA) 2022-23이 설립되었음을 발표하게 된 것을 기쁘게 생각합니다. ISD는 우리 학생들의 성공을 지원하기 위해 강력한 커뮤니티를 구축하는 파트너로서 지원하는 PSA를 갖게 된 것을 자랑스럽게 생각합니다. 2022-23 학년도는 학부모님들의지속적인 협력과 협력으로 많은 긍정적인 가능성을 가질 것을 약속합니다.

ISD PSA is a group of parents that voluntarily come together to work with the school leadership,faculty, and the school community all with a common goal of improving learning opportunities for our students. ISD PSA works in partnership with the school to support parents, teachers and students, to enhance community spirit, enrich educational experience, and provide the solid bridge between school and home.


PSA는 학생들의 학습 기회를 개선한다는 공통의 목표를 가지고 학교 리더십, 교수진 및 학교 커뮤니티와 함께 일하기 위해 자발적으로 함께 모인 학부모 그룹입니다. ISD PSA는 학교와 협력하여 학부모, 교사 및 학생을 지원하고 공동체 정신을 강화하며 교육 경험을 풍부하게 하여 학교와 가정 사이의견고한 다리를 제공합니다.

Hi, I am Angel from Taiwan, China.  I have lived in the mainland of China for 14 years. I have 3 children at ISD. This year, they are in G6, G5, and G2. We joined the Qilin family 8 years ago.

After joining the ISD family, I realized it is important it is for our children to grow and learn with others. It is such a joy to see them happily going to school every day. Knowing that increased student achievement is realized when parents support and work with the school.  I joined the ISD Parents Support Association to be actively and positively involved. Through PSA, we can engage with our children and with their activities. It is important for our children to know their parents are involved and excited to be part of their learning experience.

From co-chair Angel Su

I’ m BeeLeng from Malaysia. I’ ve been in China for 13 years. The first six years were spent  in Xiamen.  This is my seventh year in Dongguan, as well as my 7th year at ISD. I have two children and they have both attended ISD since our move to Dongguan. My eldest son is an alumni of the ISD Class of 2020, and currently is a 3rd year student in University of Amsterdam.  My youngest daughter is currently a grade 11 student at ISD.

I believe strong parent-school cooperation and collaboration helps the children in their studies and creates a harmonious and conducive learning environment. As such, I have been actively involved in PSA since my children began attending school.  No matter if the school is in Malaysia, Xiamen and now DG, being a part of my children’s educational process is important as a parent.

From co-chair Beeleng Chuah



来自联合主席Angel Su的分享


我是来自马来西亚的BeeLeng。 我在中国已经长达13年,前6年在厦门度过。今年是我来到东莞以及加入ISD社区的第7年。来到东莞后,两个孩子就一直就读于ISD。我的大儿子是ISD2020届校友,现在是阿姆斯特丹大学的大三学生,小女儿目前就读ISD11年级。


来自联合主席Beeleng Chuah的分享


안녕하세요, 저는중국대만에서온엔젤입니다. 저는중국본토에서 14년동안살았습니다. ISD에 3명의자녀가있습니다. 올해는 G6, G5, G2에있습니다. 우리는 8년전에 Qilin 가족에합류했습니다.

ISD 가족에 합류한 후 저는 우리 아이들이 다른 사람들과 함께 성장하고 배우는 것이 중요하다는 것을 깨달았습니다. 매일 행복하게 학교에 가는 모습을 보니 너무 행복합니다.학생 성취도 향상은 학부모가 학교를 지원하고 협력할 때 실현된다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 적극적으로 참여하기 위해 ISD 학부모 지원 협회에 가입했습니다. PSA를 통해 우리는 아이들과 그들의 활동에 참여할 수 있습니다. 우리 아이들은 부모가 그들의 학습 경험에 참여하고 흥분한다는 사실을 아는 것이 중요합니다.

From co-chair Angel Su 공동 의장 Angel Su로부터

저는 말레이시아에서 온 BeeLeng입니다. 나는 13년 동안 중국에 있었습니다. 처음 6년은 샤먼에서 보냈습니다. 동관에서의 7년차이자 ISD에서의 7년차입니다. 저는 두 자녀가 있으며 우리가 동관으로 이사한 이후로 둘다 ISD에 다녔습니다. 큰 아들은 2020년 ISD 학급 졸업생으로 현재 암스테르담 대학교 3학년에 재학 중입니다. 제 막내딸은 현재 ISD 11학년 학생입니다.

저는 학부모와 학교의 강력한 협력과 협력이 아이들의 학업에 도움이 되고 조화롭고 유익한 학습 환경을 조성한다고 믿습니다. 그래서 저는 아이들이 학교에 다닐 때부터 PSA에 적극적으로 참여했습니다. 학교가 말레이시아, 샤먼, 동관에 있든 상관없이 부모로서 내 자녀의 교육 과정에 참여하는 것이 중요합니다.

From co-chair Beeleng Chuah 공동 의장 Beeleng Chuah로부터


ISD always values voices from the community and is continuing to enhance community spirit. In this effort, Ms. Shanshan Wang, ISD UK college counselor, has accepted the role of Communications Coordinator. She will be working closely with the administration, coordinators, students, parents and PSA in building a strong channel for clear communication between our community members.

学校一如既往地重视倾听全体社区成员的意见,努力提升社区凝聚力。今年, ISD英国大学升学专员Shanshan Wang女士将兼任沟通及交流主任,与校领导层、各学部主任、学生、家长和家委会各方紧密联系,在社区成员之间建立高效的沟通渠道。

ISD는 항상 커뮤니티의 목소리를 소중히 여기며 커뮤니티 정신을 지속적으로 향상시키고 있습니다. 이러한노력의 일환으로 ISD UK 대학 카운슬러인 Ms. Shanshan Wang은 커뮤니케이션 코디네이터의 역할을 수락했습니다. 그녀는 행정부, 코디네이터, 학생, 학부모 및 PSA와 긴밀히 협력하여 커뮤니티 구성원 간의 명확한 의사 소통을 위한 강력한 채널을 구축할 것입니다.

Ms. Shanshan is British Chinese. She has studied and worked in Europe over 22 years. She is an IB alumni, graduated from an international school in Prague, Czech Republic. Shanshan studied in the UK and graduated from Coventry University with an Undergraduate degree in Business Management and Master’s degree in Human Resources Management. Shanshan was working at Coventry University for over 10 years as the Faculty Course Administrator, dealing with university course inquiries. She also worked as the head of admissions for the East Asia region, thus she possesses detailed and comprehensive knowledge about the university selection and enrollment process. Given Shanshan’s extensive experience in admissions within her previous role, she has been a great addition to our Secodary School’s college counseling department and admissions office within ISD.

Along with Shanshan’s experience in the UK, starting in 2017 her most recent role was as the head university counselor in the top international school in Shijiazhuang. When she began her role less than 50% of students were accepted into top 100 QS universities, at the end of her tenure there, the students had an acceptance rate of 88.3% into top 100 universities according to QS rankings. Since she started in October 2021 at ISD she has supported and helped students gain acceptances to King’s College London, University of Edinburgh and Warwick University.

This year, Shanshan has accepted the role of Communications Coordinator for ISD. She will be working closely with the administration, coordinators, students, parents and PSA to achieve the best working practices and results for our Qilin community. With an eye on continuous improvement, Shanshan will be a point of contact for any of our parents for students in early years to grade 12 who need assistance or have feedback for ISD. If you have a concern (academic or operational) or need immediate information, please feel free to reach out to Shanshan via the QR code below. She will directly follow up with you! We look forward to finding more ways for our community to connect with us at ISD!


Ms. Shanshan,英籍华人,曾在欧洲生活工作20余年。作为IB毕业生从捷克布拉格一所国际学校毕业后,Shanshan前往英国考文垂大学接受高等教育,先后攻读企业管理学士学位和人力资源管理硕士学位。Shanshan曾先任考文垂大学教务主任十余年,管理学生专业课程;后任大学东亚区招生总负责人,对大学的课程选择和招生流程有丰富的经验和深刻的理解。这样一位富有经验、赋有能力和激情的成员的加入,与中学顾问团队、学校招生办一起,助力ISD学子成人、成才。




Shanshan 씨는 영국계 중국인입니다. 그녀는 22년 동안 유럽에서 공부하고 일했습니다. 그녀는 체코 프라하에있는 국제학교를 졸업한 IB 동문입니다. Shanshan은 영국에서 공부하고 Coventry University에서 경영학 학사학위와 인적 자원 관리 석사 학위를 취득했습니다. Shanshan은 Coventry University에서 10년 넘게 교수 과정관리자로 근무하면서 대학 과정 문의를 처리했습니다. 그녀는 또한 동아시아 지역의 입학 책임자로 일했기때문에 대학 선택 및 등록 절차에 대한 상세하고 포괄적인 지식을 보유하고 있습니다. Shanshan의 이전 역할내에서의 광범위한 입학 경험을 감안할 때, 그녀는 ISD 내 Secodary School의 대학 상담 부서 및 입학 사무소에큰 도움이 되고 있습니다.Shanshan의 영국에서의 경험과 함께 2017년부터 그녀의 가장 최근 역할은 Shijiazhuang에 있는 최고의 국제 학교에서 수석 대학 카운슬러였습니다. 그녀가 역할을 시작했을 때 50% 미만의 학생들이 QS 상위 100개 대학에합격했지만, 재임 기간이 끝날 때 QS 순위에 따르면 학생들은 상위 100개 대학에 88.3%의 합격률을 보였습니다. 2021년 10월 ISD에서 시작한 이후 그녀는 학생들이 King’s College London, University of Edinburgh 및Warwick University에 합격할 수 있도록 지원하고 도왔습니다.

올해 Shanshan은 ISD의 커뮤니케이션 코디네이터 역할을 수락했습니다. 그녀는 행정부, 코디네이터, 학생, 학부모 및 PSA와 긴밀히 협력하여 Qilin 커뮤니티를 위한 최상의 업무 관행과 결과를 달성할 것입니다. 지속적인 개선을 위해 Shanshan은 도움이 필요하거나 ISD에 대한 의견이 있는 저학년부터 12학년까지의 학생들을위한 학부모의 연락 지점이 될 것입니다. 우려 사항(학업 또는 운영)이 있거나 즉각적인 정보가 필요한 경우아래 QR 코드를 통해 언제든지 Shanshan에 연락하십시오. 그녀가 직접 당신을 도울 것입니다! ISD에서 커뮤니티가 우리와 연결할 수 있는 더 많은 방법을 찾기를 기대합니다!



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