Among the nearly 2,000 international schools in China, ISD has become one of only 65 schools to be accredited by WASC, which has completed full accreditation for all grades from pre-kindergarten to grade 12, meaning that all of our students’ qualifications are recognized by primary and higher education institutions throughout the United States and most Western countries.
ISD & WASC-A Continuous Improvement Process
Since its inception, ISD has been committed to continuously improving student learning in an emotionally and physically safe environment, through a variety of learning experiences, with social-emotional support, and opportunities for students beyond their core subjects. This commitment is also reflected in the WASC accreditation process that was selected and has been maintained by ISD since its infancy, requiring data-based decision-making processes in a collaborative environment.
WASC Accreditation Benefits Students:
– ISD students’ academic transcripts and the authenticity of their background information will be recognized by overseas universities.
– ISD diploma is equivalent to a diploma issued by a U.S. high school and is recognized globally, giving students priority in competing applications.
– ISD students’ credits can be transferred within the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, helping students save some money on tuition or offering the possibility of early graduation.
– ISD’s accreditation process will include visits and evaluations by education professionals, which will allow schools to optimize their programs and provide a valuable reference for the education industry.
– ISD has a committed school community.
– ISD provides a welcoming and personalized learning experience.
– ISD is committed to using data to reflect on and improve student learning.
– ISD recognizes the importance to adhere to host country rules and regulations.
– ISD is committed to adding dimensions to its learning program.
– ISD学生的成绩单与其背景资料的真实性得到国外大学认可。
– ISD的文凭等同美国本土高中颁发的文凭,在全球范围内得到认可,学生可以在同等条件的申请竞争中获得优先权。
– ISD学生所修的学分可以在WASC认证的学校进行转换,帮助学生节省一部分学费,或者为学生提早毕业提供可能。
– ISD的认证过程将包括教育界专业人士的访问和评估,这将使学校的课程得到优化,并为教育界同行提供宝贵的参考。
– ISD拥有一个和谐稳定的社区。
– ISD提供了一个友好的且个性化的学习体验。
– ISD致力于以数据反映结果、并根据此结果改进学生的学习。
– ISD认识到遵守东道国法律法规的重要性。
– ISD致力于拓展多样化的学习项目。
ISD’s Accreditation Processes
ISD received accreditation after its initial WASC visit in 2013. In 2017, ISD completed its first full self-study. Since then, ISD has had progress visits and a mid-cycle visit. In April 2023, ISD will complete its second full self-study visit during which four WASC visitors will have an opportunity to speak directly with representative groups of stakeholders including teaching and non-teaching staff, parents, and students.
Beginning in October 2021, various groups of teachers and non-teaching staff have met to help the school to evaluate ISD’s effectiveness across four categories: A. Organization for Student Learning (School purpose, governance, resources); B. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment; C. Support for Student Academic Growth; D. School Culture, Child Protection, and Parent/Community.
To determine ISD’s effectiveness in each area, data has been collected from all stakeholders and may include survey data (such as annual parent survey), standardized testing data, classroom observations, school policies, demographic data, along with many other data points. Teams of teaching and non-teaching staff have met to analyze the available data to address several indicators within each of the above categories. From that analysis, ISD is prioritizing areas for further growth and development and will develop an action plan to address those areas.
When the WASC team visits ISD in April 2023, offline or online, they will check to see if they agree with ISDs findings and add any additional recommendations that they may have. After the visit, ISD will revise the action plan to be sure to include not only the findings from ISD’s self-study but also the recommendations provided by the WASC team.
WASC’s rigorous and comprehensive accreditation process requires ISD to reflect on practice, improve our school’s development in all aspects, and maintain the excellence of our academic programme in line with the highest international standards!