Hello, welcome back to ISD for another exciting year. As you have seen many physical changes happened over the summer with a new lobby, the courtyard, and new interactive whiteboards in many classrooms, excitements also happening in the digital world. We are launching a new website, replacing the old one to better portray who we are and be more informative. A new Admissions Portal can be access through the new website. This is part of the celebrations to the 10th Anniversary of ISD. Please visit www.i-s-d.org on this Friday to see the new website.
您好,欢迎回到 ISD 又一个激动人心的一年。正如您所见,整个夏天校园发生了许多变化,新的大厅、庭院和许多教室中的新触控白板。在数字世界中也即将发生一些令人兴奋的事情。我们推出了一个新网站取代旧网站,以更好地向您展示ISD,且提供丰富的信息。您也可以通过新网站访问新的招生门户,这是 ISD 十周年庆祝活动的一部分。诚邀您在本周五访问 www.i-s-d.org 浏览新网站。