New Year Brings Great News to Class of 2022

Service Learning from TOH Donation Drive
More Early Acceptances for the Class of 2022!

The university admissions season is in full swing, and ISD is proud to announce that early acceptances continue to come in for Grade 12 students at ISD. Congratulations to the Class of 2022!
大学招生季正在如火如荼地开展,ISD 自豪地宣布我校12年级的学生陆续收到了提前录取通知书。祝贺2022届毕业生!
ISD Class of 2022 graduates have received outstanding offers from top-ranked universities including The University of Edinburgh (#16), The University of Manchester (#27) and The University of Warwick (#61). Additionally, they have been granted offers from world-renowned universities in U.K. and the U.S. including Aston University (#45) and Pepperdine University (#49). 
ISD 2022届毕业生已收到多所世界顶尖学府的录取通知,其中包括爱丁堡大学(世界排名16)、曼彻斯特大学(世界排名27)、华威大学(世界排名61)。此外,2022届毕业生还斩获来自英美多所知名大学的录取通知,如阿斯顿大学(英国排名45)和佩珀代因大学(美国排名49)。

ISD looks forward to more exciting news from the Class of 2022!
