ISD IB Results Updated!

Celebrating ISD 2022 IB Results
Voice from ISD IB Graduates

Good news about ISD IB Results 2022 was just received. One of our students requested a remark on one of her subjects because she was so close to receiving a higher grade. Senior examiners typically review the papers for potential inaccuracies. It has caused the subject’s grades change from 6 to 7, changing her overall point total from 41 to 42. Thus, 42 is our highest IB score for the academic year 2021–2022. Congratulations!

ISD 刚收到一则有关 IB 成绩的喜讯。由于成绩有望接近满分,我校某位考生申请对某门科目重新评分。一般来说,接到考生申请后考官会重新审查试卷,以确保分数的准确性。在重审后,该生本科目成绩从6分调整为满分7分,她的总成绩也从41分上调至42分。因此,ISD 2021-2022学年 IB 最高分为42分!祝贺ISD学术再创佳绩!

During Grade 10, ISD students start the Pathway Induction process that guides students towards one of three potential pathways and the course selection necessary to fulfill that pathway. 


Due to the school’s WASC accreditation, all students at ISD that meet the required credits for graduation will receive an ISD High School Diploma that is equivalent to an American public-school diploma, allowing students to apply to a variety of universities across the globe. Students who achieve the IB Diploma or IB Diploma courses in addition to the ISD High School Diploma will most likely create further opportunities for university admission! ISD students were offered placements at world-class universities such as the University of Edinburgh (#16), The University of Hong Kong (#22), University of Toronto (#26), and New York University (#42).


Getting a 42 in the IB exams is an extremely difficult task. In addition to three mandatory Core elements – Theory of Knowledge, the Extended Essay, and Creativity, Activity, Service, all IB Diploma students study six subjects from different academic areas of which three are studied at higher level and three at standard level. To get a 42, students would need to attain 6s or 7s across almost all subjects, which demonstrates their excellent performance in the IB courses.


The score of 42 meets the minimum IB score required for admission of the world’ s top universities. For example, admissions of University of Oxford require a total score of 38, 39 or 40 points (depending on course) including core points, with 6s and 7s in subjects taken at the Higher level. Additionally, typical offers of University of Cambridge require score between 40 and 42 points, with 776 in Higher Level subjects or 7 in a particular subject(s), depending on individual circumstances. The class of 2022 graduates achieved the exceptional IB results, thanks to their hardworking and the dedication and supports from all ISD community!
