Due to the school’s WASC accreditation, all students at ISD that meet the required credits for graduation will receive an ISD High School Diploma that is equivalent to an American public-school diploma, allowing students to apply to a variety of universities across the globe. Students who achieve the IB Diploma or IB Diploma courses in addition to the ISD High School Diploma will most likely create further opportunities for university admission! ISD students were offered placements at world-class universities such as the University of Edinburgh (#16), The University of Hong Kong (#22), University of Toronto (#26), and New York University (#42).
The score of 42 meets the minimum IB score required for admission of the world’ s top universities. For example, admissions of University of Oxford require a total score of 38, 39 or 40 points (depending on course) including core points, with 6s and 7s in subjects taken at the Higher level. Additionally, typical offers of University of Cambridge require score between 40 and 42 points, with 776 in Higher Level subjects or 7 in a particular subject(s), depending on individual circumstances. The class of 2022 graduates achieved the exceptional IB results, thanks to their hardworking and the dedication and supports from all ISD community!