ISD’s EC Program Focuses on Holistic Development

ISD PK Live Stream Class Review
The Class of 2022 Senior Graduation Pictures
A child’s early years build the learning skills that make up the foundation for their future development and lifelong learning. ISD offers a Pre-Kindergarten, Junior Kindergarten, and Senior Kindergarten program with small class sizes to allow for a supportive learning environment. The programs in preschool support a wide range of learning experiences to stimulate inquiry, investigation, independence, socialization, risk-taking, decision-making, and development of empathy and cultural awareness. 

Michael Combest, the ISD’s SK teacher and EC coordinator, was invited to share the teaching philosophy of ISD EC program. He also explained how senior kindergarten help with the transition to Grade one and how ISD equips EC students with holistic skills!


Michael Combest 是ISD幼儿园大班老师兼幼儿部主管。他受邀分享ISD幼儿园课程的教学理念。此外,他阐述了幼儿园大班的教学是如何帮助孩子顺利向一年级的学习过渡,以及学校是如何培养幼儿园孩子全面发展!