Learning Highlights Review of 2021-2022

ISD 10th Anniversary Activities Review
Arts at ISD: Music, Visual Arts and Drama
The academic year of 2021-2022 was definitely unforgettable. In this school year, our students, faculty and staff navigated through all challenges with persistence and endurance and shared the joy in teaching and learning. We glance back some of the teaching and learning highlights of the past year and extend all of our hopes and wishes for the upcoming year!回首2021-2022学年,我们有着许多美好且难忘的记忆。在这一学年里,所有学生和全体教职员工携手同行,以顽强坚韧的品质克服各项挑战,并共渡了在校园里教与学的美好时光。在此我们回顾过去这一年学中教与学的精彩瞬间,并期盼着新一学年的到来!

EC Review 幼儿园课堂精彩回顾

ES Review 小学部课堂精彩回顾

SS Review 中学部课堂精彩回顾