ISD 2021 Arts Showcase

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The ISD Arts Showcase was held this past month in the ISD Art Gallery and Black Box Theatre. Students demonstrated their artistic talents in visual arts and the performing arts of music and theatre. In the 10th Anniversary Arts Showcase, students had the chance to share and celebrate their talents and growth as student artists.

本月,ISD 在学校艺术长廊和黑匣子剧场举办艺术展示。学生在艺术展示中彰显他们在视觉艺术、音乐和戏剧表演艺术方面的才能。

ISD 아트쇼케이스는지난달ISD 아트갤러리와블랙박스극장에서열렸습니다. 학생들은시각예술과음악및연극공연예술에서자신의예술적재능을보여주었습니다. 10주년기념예술쇼케이스에서는학생들이자신의재능과학생예술가로서의성장을공유하고축하하는시간을가졌습니다.

Artwork created by elementary and secondary school students were displayed in the Art Gallery. On display was a range of artwork including acrylic paintings, drawings, and visual autobiographies. The exhibition was a visual display of our students communicating what they have learned, the technical skills they have honed, and their creativity.


미술관에는초등학생과중학생의작품이전시되어있었습니다. 아크릴회화, 드로잉및시각적자서전을포함한다양한예술작품이전시되었습니다. 이번전시회는우리학생들이배운것, 연마한기술및창의성을시각적으로보여주는전시였습니다.

Secondary School students delivered a fantastic music showcase concert. Students shared their musical talents and showed passion for music. Through preparing for the solo and group performances, students were exposed to opportunities to develop their musicality as well as music theory skills.


중학교학생들은환상적인음악쇼케이스콘서트를개최했습니다. 학생들은음악적재능을공유하고음악에대한열정을보였습니다. 솔로및그룹공연준비를통해학생들은음악이론과음악성을함양할수있는기회를가졌습니다.

Grades 8, 9, and 10 students presented the play of Oedipus Rex, an Athenian play that was first performed around 429 BC. Students’ dedication and passion for theatre shined through in their dramatic performances.

8、9和10年级的学生演绎《俄狄浦斯王》戏剧。这是一部大约在公元前 429 年首次上演的雅典戏剧。学生在精彩的表演中完美诠释了他们对戏剧表演的专注与热情。

8, 9, 10학년학생들은기원전 429년경에처음공연된아테네연극인오이디푸스렉스(Oedipus Rex)의연극을발표했습니다. 연극에대한학생들의헌신과열정은극적인공연에서빛을발했습니다.