Technology Integration at ISD

ISD Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences
ISD 2021 Arts Showcase

ISD encourages technology integration into the curriculum to enhance teaching and learning. Our iPad program is 1:1, meaning that every child in the elementary school has access to an individual iPad. To keep up to date, the technology department developed a replacement strategy so that devices are kept current, and the budget is kept manageable.  As part of the replacement strategy this academic year, ISD invested in 120 new iPads to ensure students are effectively and efficiently supported by digital learning devices. The Technology Department is also trialing a new charging cabinet to ensure durability and usability before purchasing for all classrooms.

ISD鼓励将科技融入教学,从而提升教学效果。ISD通过1:1 iPad项目,为小学部的每位孩子配备一台iPad,供他们单独使用。技术部在预算内换置先进的教学设备,与时俱进。更换iPad是本学年设备更换计划中的一部分。ISD购置120台新iPad,确保学生获得有效且高效的数字学习设备支持。另外,技术部门正在对充电柜的耐用性和可用性进行测试,此后计划为每个课室购置该设备。

ISD는교육및학습을향상시키기위해교과과정에기술통합을권장합니다. 우리의 iPad 프로그램은 1:1로초등학교의모든어린이가개별 iPad에액세스할수있습니다. 최신상태를유지하기위해기술부서는장치를최신상태로유지하고예산을관리할수있도록교체전략을개발했습니다. 올해학년도교체전략의일환으로 ISD는 120개의새로운 iPad에투자하여학생들이디지털학습장치를효과적이고효율적으로지원할수있도록했습니다. 기술부서는또한모든교실용으로구매하기전에내구성과사용성을보장하기위해새로운충전캐비닛을시험하고있습니다.

Educational technology resources are critical in increasing student engagement and individualizing instruction. These highly configured new iPads provide students with diverse ways to approach learning. Students are allowed use new iPads under the guidance of teachers during certain class activities, such as creative writing projects, designing and drawing, and doing mathematics and reading books.


교육기술자원은학생참여도를높이고수업을개별화하는데매우중요합니다. 고도로구성된이새로운 iPad는학생들에게학습에접근하는다양한방법을제공합니다. 학생들은창의적인작문프로젝트, 디자인및그리기, 수학및책읽기와같은특정수업활동중에교사의지도하에새 iPad를사용할수있습니다.

The ISD technology curriculum focuses on teaching students how to be good digital citizens. Children learn how to manage and be responsible for their digital footprint. By embedding technology into the curriculum students are learning and developing the 21st-century skills necessary for future success.

ISD 将科技融入课堂,注重培养学生成为优秀的网络数字公民。孩子们学习如何正确地运用电子产品,以及学会对他们在网络上的言行负责。将科技整合为课堂学习工具,学生从中习得和发展在21世纪走向成功未来应掌握的技能。

ISD 기술커리큘럼은학생들에게훌륭한디지털시민이되는방법을가르치는데중점을둡니다. 아이들은디지털발자국을관리하고책임지는방법을배웁니다. 교과과정에기술을포함함으로써학생들은미래의성공에필요한 21세기기술을배우고개발합니다.