ISD Welcomes Students to 2022-23 School Year

Key Systems Used at ISD
First Day of School!

To bring our community together and fully prepare students for the new academic year of 2022-2023, ISD held Student Orientation on August 19. New and returning ISD students and their families were welcomed on campus to meet with school administrative team and teachers, deepened understanding of Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs) and enjoyed the Back to School party.

Additionally, new families were warmly welcomed. Greeted by the Admissions team at the school gate, they received the welcoming pack after the informational session and were treated to a tour of ISD campus by ISD alumni and STUCO representatives. Welcome to ISD family!    

With everything in place, ISD awaits the first day of school with great anticipation!




Welcome New Families

EC&ES Orientations

SS Orientations

 Back to School Party


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