Qilin News

ESLRs Assembly: Demonstrate Personal Management
ISD After School Activities Started!

Dear Early Childhood and Elementary School Families,

Hello and welcome to all our families with children in the early childhood and elementary school division. As the principal, I am honored to help our almost 200 students at our division to learn and enjoy school.  We are so eager to support and lead them to develop and grow academically and socially.

As we assist students to find their unique talents and keen interests, we are providing a rigorous academic program in all classrooms. Some of our opening days, in the beginning of September, included time to meet new friends and learn classroom expectations with a new teacher. This helps to set expectations as we move into the academic phase of our first days of school.

We are so proud of our students! They are learning new routines, modeling our school ESLRs (Expected Schoolwide Learning Results), enjoying new friends, and gaining skills and strategies to improve their spoken and written English with other important academic skills being developed too. We encourage family adults to speak with your children asking about their school day. This is another wonderful way to generate conversations and stay connected to the daily activities at ISD.

We continue to work with our EC/ES parents to support effective communication. Our formal method of communication is email and the daily routines and expectations for schoolwork and homework are messaged through the Seesaw app. We encourage you to stay connected by using these formats for communication with any of us at ISD.

Our SK through grade 5 students will soon finish the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) assessments.  This provides student data, and we view this with the teacher’s classroom observations and classroom assessments to understand how to best meet your child’s needs. All parents will receive an email from the homeroom teacher about your child. Then, we will look forward to sharing additional specific information with you about your child in the mid-November progress reports.

School photographs were taken this week.  It was a great opportunity to show our best smiles and document the start of the 2021-22 school year. Please use your personal code to order your child’s photograph package of prints. If you want to order the yearbook photos of your child, please go to https://www.pret-a-portrait.net and enter the personal sitting ID to preview and purchase. Each student was given their card to take home. Please look for it. You may register for an email alert to learn when the photographs are ready. The information to do that is on the student card with the sitting ID.

In closing, we miss our valued parents on campus! However, our safety protocols are very important for us to continue having face to face instruction.  Thank you for your patience and care with your children at home and we promise to do the same here at school! We are continuing to work to provide a clean environment with many operational safety actions in place all day long.  We care deeply about your child’s safety and education.

Best Regards,
Dr. Molly










친애하는 유치, 초등학교 가족 여러분께,
유치및초등학교에오신것을환영합니다. 교장으로서저는우리학군의거의 200명의학생들이학교에서배우고즐길수있도록도울수있어영광입니다. 우리는그들이학문적으로나사회적으로발전하고성장할수있도록지원하고이끌기위해노력하고 있습니다.

우리는학생들이자신의독특한재능과 관심 분야를찾도록도우면서모든교실에서엄격한학업프로그램을제공하고있습니다. 9월초의개학일중일부에는새로운친구들을만나고새로운교사와함께교실에서의기대치를배우는시간이포함되었습니다. 이것은우리가개학첫날의학업단계로이동할때기대치를설정하는데도움이됩니다.

저는 우리학생들이너무자랑스럽습니다! 그들은새로운일상을배우고, 학교 ESLR(학교전체의기대학습결과)을모델링하고, 새로운친구를사귀고, 다른중요한학업기술도개발하면서말하기및쓰기영어를향상시키기위한기술과전략을얻고있습니다. 우리는가족 모두가 학교일정에대해자녀와이야기할것을권장합니다. 이것은대화할 기회를 주고 ISD의일상활동에연결되게 하는 또다른훌륭한방법입니다.

효과적인의사소통을지원하기위해 EC/ES 학부모와계속협력하고있습니다. 우리의공식적인커뮤니케이션방법은이메일이며학교과제및숙제에대한일상과기대치는 Seesaw 앱을통해메시지로전달됩니다. ISD에서우리중누구와도의사소통을위해이러한형식을사용하여연결상태를유지하는것이좋습니다.

SK에서 5학년학생들은곧 MAP(Measures of Academic Progress) 평가를마칠것입니다. 이것은학생데이터를제공하며, 우리는이것을교사의교실관찰및교실평가와함께확인하여자녀의필요를가장잘충족시키는방법이기도 합니다.  모든부모는담임교사로부터자녀에대한이메일을받게됩니다. 그런다음 11월중순성적 진행보고서에서자녀에대한추가특정정보를공유할수있기를기대합니다.

이번주에학교사진을찍었습니다. 최고의미소를보여주고 2021-22 학년도의시작을기록할수있는좋은기회였습니다. 자녀의사진인화패키지를주문하려면개인코드를사용하십시오. 자녀 사진주문을원하시면https://www.pret-a-portrait.net에접속하여개인착석 ID를입력하여미리 보기및구매를하시면됩니다. 각학생은집으로가져갈카드를받았습니다. 이 카드를 이용하여사진이준비되면이메일알림에등록할수있습니다. 입력정보는좌석 ID가있는학생카드에있습니다.

마지막으로우리 학교 캠퍼스는 부모님을그리워합니다! 그러나우리의안전프로토콜을 성실하게 지키는 것이계속해서대면교육을유지하는데매우중요합니다. 집에서아이들을위해인내심을갖고돌봐주셔서감사합니다. 우리는여기학교에서도똑같이할것을약속합니다! 우리는하루종일많은운영안전조치를취하여깨끗한환경을제공하기위해계속노력하고있습니다. 또한자녀의안전과교육에깊은관심을가지고있습니다.

Best Regards,

Dr. Molly

ISD is celebrating its 10th anniversary this school year. Throughout the year we will hold special events to recognize our past and current accomplishments. As we finish our first month and head into the Golden Week holiday, we already have a lot of accomplishments to celebrate!

One way that we looked to celebrate our 10th anniversary was by hosting a t-shirt design contest. All of our students were able to participate, and the winning designs will be turned into a 10th anniversary celebration t-shirt. 

Our Grade 12 students are already planning and preparing for university applications by working with our College and Career Counselor, Ms. Kendra Allen by attending virtual university visits, updating their BridgeU accounts, and learning during Advisory the proper strategies for successful applications. We look forward to celebrating all the wonderful schools they will be accepted to after they graduate.

Our Grade 11 students can celebrate that they successfully completed the IB Boot Camp in the first week of school. These intensive training and learning sessions had students focus on several tasks that expose them and help them better develop the skills and understandings that are necessary to be a successful IB Diploma student.

The Secondary School Student Council is already working towards their goals for the year. I hope everyone was able to read the letter that was sent by the Student Council President, Gr 10 Earn, and Vice President, Gr 9 Annabelle to all our SS families. During the month of September, the Student Council focused on bringing awareness on the topic of suicide prevention.

Our Fall Athletic teams have given us a lot to celebrate. Our High School Boys Volleyball team took first place in the Dongguan Conference and 4th place in the GSAC tournament. Our High School Girls Volleyball team has been improving each week and also took 4th place in the GSAC tournament. Our MS Soccer team has gotten better with each game and recently took 4th place at the Pearl River Conference tournament.<
I hope all our families had a chance to review and sign their child up for a Semester 1 After School Activity (ASA). Remember that these activities take place from 3pm – 4pm on Mondays and Thursdays starting October 7th. This semester, ISD looked to incorporate more academic support ASAs to bring more balance to what we offer our students. If you have any questions, please email our ASA Coordinator, Ms. Jillian Knoblock (jillianknoblock@

To finish the month of September, SS Advisors sent emails to the families of the students they advise to discuss how each student is starting the year regarding their learning behaviors: engagement, attitude, and effort; organization and time management; contributions to the learning community. Hopefully families took an opportunity to review these emails with their child and discuss what their child is currently doing well and areas they can improve upon. After the holiday break, we will be communicating and working with families of students that are currently struggling academically. Please note that our Mid-Semester Progress Reports will be sent home November 12th and will be followed by Parent, Student, and Teacher Conferences on November 18th & 19th.

Thank you and have a nice holiday!
Mr. Brink <


12年级的学生已经开始着手计划并准备申请大学的相关事宜。在大学与职业发展顾问Ms.Kendra Allen的组织和协助下,学生参加线上大学访问,更新他们的BridgeU账户,并在班会期间学习申请大学的成功策略。让我们共同期待庆祝他们毕业后被优秀学校所录取的高光时刻吧!




我希望所有家长已了解课后活动的安排,并为孩子报名第一学期的ASA。ASA从10月7日正式开始,在每周一和周四的下午3点至4点进行。本学期,ISD希望加入更多的学术支持课程,为学生提供更为均衡的课后活动。如有任何疑问,请发邮件联系ASA协调主管,Ms. Jillian Knoblock ( jillianknoblock@ )。



Mr. Brink

ISD는 올해로 10주년을 맞이합니다. 일년 내내 우리는 우리의 과거와 현재의 성취를 인정하는특별 행사를 개최할 것입니다. 첫 달을 마치고 골든 위크 휴가를 앞두고 있는 지금, 우리는 이미 축하할 일들이 많이 있습니다!

창립 10주년을 기념하는 한 가지 방법은 티셔츠 디자인 콘테스트를 개최하는 것이었습니다. 우리 학생들 모두가 참여할 수 있었고, 우승한 디자인은 10주년 기념 티셔츠로 제작됩니다.

우리의 12학년학생들은 인터넷을 통한 가상대학방문에참석하고, BridgeU 계정을업데이트하고, 성공적인지원을위한적절한전략을어드바이저리 시간동안학습함으로써대학및직업카운셀러인 Ms. Kendra Allen과협력하여이미대학지원을계획하고준비하고있습니다. 우리는그들이졸업한후훌륭한학교로 입학하게될 것을 고대합니다

11학년 학생들은 개학 첫 주에 IB 부트 캠프를 성공적으로 마친 것을 축하할 수 있습니다. 이러한 집중 교육 및 학습 세션을 통해 학생들은 자신을노출시키고 성공적인 IB 디플로마 학생에게 필요한 기술과 이해를 더 잘 개발하는 데 도움이 되는 여러 작업에 집중하게 되었습니다.

중학교 학생회는 이미 올해 목표를 향해 나아가고 있습니다. 학생회장인 Gr 10 Earn과 Gr 9 Annabelle이 우리 SS 가족들에게 보낸 편지를 모두가 읽을 수 있기를 바랍니다. 9월 한 달 동안 학생회는 자살 예방 주제에 대한 인식 제고에중점을 두었습니다.

우리의 가을 체육 팀은 우리에게 축하할 일을 많이 주었습니다. 우리 고등학교 남학생 배구 팀은 Dongguan Conference에서 1위를 했고 GSAC 토너먼트에서 4위를 했습니다. 우리 여고생 배구 팀은 매주 향상되고 있으며 GSAC 토너먼트에서도 4위를 차지했습니다. 우리 MS Soccer 팀은 매 경기마다 더 좋아지고있으며 최근 Pearl RiverConference 토너먼트에서 4위를 차지했습니다.

우리 가족 모두가 자녀를 1학기 방과후 활동(ASA)에 대해 검토하고 등록할 수 있는 기회가 되었기를 바랍니다. 이러한 활동은 10월 7일부터 월요일과 목요일 오후 3시부터 4시까지 진행됩니다. 이번 학기에 ISD는 우리가 학생들에게 제공하는 것에 더 많은 균형을 가져오기위해 더 많은 학업 지원 ASA를 통합하려고 했습니다. 질문이 있는 경우 ASA 코디네이터인 Ms. JillianKnoblock(jillianknoblock@에게 이메일을 보내주십시오.

9월 한 달을 마무리하기 위해 SS Advisor들은 각 학생이 학습 행동(참여, 태도 및 노력)과 관련하여 한 해를 어떻게 시작하고 있는지 논의하기 위해조언하는 학생의 가족에게 이메일을 보냈습니다. 조직 및 시간 관리; 학습 커뮤니티에 대한 기여. 가족들이 자녀와 함께 이 이메일을 검토하고 자녀가 현재잘하고 있는 것과 개선할 수 있는 부분에 대해 논의할 기회를 가지기를 바랍니다. 방학이 끝나면 현재 학업에 어려움을 겪고 있는 학생들의가족들과 소통하고 일할 것입니다. 중간 학기 진행 보고서는 11월 12일에 집으로 보내지고 11월 18일과 19일에는 학부모, 학생, 교사 회의가 있을 예정입니다.

감사합니다. 좋은연휴 보내십시오.

Mr. Brink

ISD Fall Athletic Teams

ASA Assembly

ESLRs Assembly

Picture Days