The ISD Student Orientation for the 2023-24 academic year was a success, with both new and returning students being welcomed into the school community!ISD 2023-24 学年新生见面会顺利开展。我们迎来了新生家庭,也见到了许多熟悉的面孔!
The New Student Orientation Day took place on August 10, when new students and their families were greeted with a warm welcome. Students were given welcome kits, met the school leadership team, interacted with teachers and PSA Co-chairs, visited classrooms, and prepared themselves for a seamless transition into the new environment.8月10日,ISD举行新生见面会,向所有新生家庭致以热烈欢迎。在见面会上,新生领取了学校精心为其准备的欢迎大礼包;他们和学校领导团队见面、与老师以及家委会联合主席互动交流,并参观自己的课室。这让新生家庭能够熟悉校园,尽快适应新的环境。
On August 11, our returning students also returned to school. They checked their assigned homeroom and had the chance to meet with their respective teachers. The teachers warmly welcomed all students and shared vital information to help them prepare for the academic journey ahead.