Habit formation is a long race. It often takes time for the desired results to appear. Habit Tracker is a daily reminder for you to stick to good habits in the short term and easily record each action, while being able to review your efforts and finally make progress and achieve your long-term goals.
For example, if you read every day, each of those dates gets a dot with a specific color. As time goes by, the calendar becomes a record of your habit streak. As summer vacation approaches, please bring your own Habit Tracker to start or maintain good habits!
Dear ISD Students, Parents and Community,
Reading is a wonderful activity that can enrich our lives in many ways. It can improve vocabulary, spelling, comprehension, critical thinking, and general knowledge. It can also help us relax, have fun, and explore new worlds and perspectives. Reading is beneficial during the school year, and keeping reading during the summer holidays is also very important.
Why is summer reading so important? One reason is that it can help our students to avoid the summer slide, which is the loss of reading skills that can happen when we don’t read for a long time. Studies have shown that children who don’t read over the summer can lose up to two months of reading development, while children who do read can gain up to one month of proficiency. This means that reading over the summer can help you maintain or even improve reading levels for the next school year.
Another reason summer reading is important is that it can increase our knowledge base in areas we are passionate about. Reading can expose us to science, history, culture, art, and more. Reading can also help us understand people who are different from us and develop empathy and compassion1. We can learn new things and discover new interests by reading different kinds of books, such as fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels, and comics.
How can ISD parents and students make summer reading fun? One way is to participate in a summer reading program, which is a program that encourages and rewards reading over the summer. Many libraries, schools, and organizations offer summer reading programs that provide books, activities, prizes, and events for children of all ages.
Some ideas for your summer reading include:
Parents can choose the books their kids will like that match their reading level and interests (see ISD’s summer reading list to get you started).
Parents can possibly participate in some of the fun and creative activities related to the books their children read. Take your kids on adventures or trips related to their reading!
Families can meet other families during the summer and share their books. Have your kids share stories from their favorite books!
Parents can subtly encourage reading by offering fun rewards such as stickers for each book read.
Speaking of parents, the best way to encourage your child to read is through modeling reading yourself. Join your kids and visibly read during the summer! Show your kids that reading is for life.
Summer reading is not only important for our academic success but also for our personal growth and happiness. Reading can help keep our brains active, expand our horizons, and have fun. So don’t let the summer slide get you; grab a book and slide into a great adventure!暑期阅读不仅对我们的学业成功很重要,而且对我们的个人成长和幸福感的保持也很重要。阅读可以帮助我们的大脑保持活跃,拓展我们的视野,并获得乐趣。所以,千万不要让暑期滑坡抓到你;抓起一本书,投身到奇妙的阅读冒险旅程中去吧!
I look forward to hearing about all the books our community has read this summer when we reopen in August.
Mark McCallumHead of School总校长
Please click on “read more” below to download the Habit Tracker form.