All Staff Return in August!

Graduation Wishes to the Class of 2022
Key Systems Used at ISD
With excitement and anticipation, ISD welcomed all staff back to campus this week. More than 95% of the teachers and faculty are present, with our remaining 2 teachers who will arrive in Dongguan at the end of this month. This means we’ ll have 100% of our faculty back on campus for our students!


The preparation and professional training for faculty will last for two weeks. ISD administrators are providing well-rounded professional development. This includes team building, faculty meetings, classroom preparation, and divisional level professional development. An example of one of the many sessions was an overview of ISD’ s English Language Learning model. Mr. Paulson, ISD’ s ELL coordinator, provided information on the Co-Teaching Model, such as station teaching and parallel teaching. Within the support provided, it will be easier for new teachers to transition to their new teaching environment and understand ISD curriculum and approaches to teaching and learning.


Through team building exercises, faculty meetings, and professional development, faculty will be well prepared for the 2022-2023 academic year and will continue to provide the community with an exception level of support our Qilins!


The new faculty represents 12 nationalities. 100% of new teachers have their bachelor’ s degree, and 68% of them hold their masters or doctoral degrees. Additionally, 3 members of the new teachers have over 10 years of teaching experience, and 58% of them have more than 5 years of teaching experience.


In the coming academic year, with the exceptional new teachers, ISD’s highly qualified team will continue to make fantastic contributions towards the education of our students while striving for excellence!



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