ISD Grade11 IB Bootcamp Completed!

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Good News from Class of 2021 Graduates
To be successful in the IBDP, students need to possess critical thinking, self-management, communication, social, and research skills. To support our IB first year students, all grade 11 students participated in the IB Bootcamp to develop those specific skills.


IBDP에서성공하려면학생들은비판적사고, 자기관리, 의사소통, 사회적및연구기술을보유해야합니다. IB 1학년학생들을지원하기위해모든 11학년학생들이 IB 부트 캠프에참여하여특정기술을개발했습니다.

To better prepare students for the extensive work that will be done in grades 11 and 12, the students completed an exemplar activity. The COVID-19 interdisciplinary essay and presentation was designed so that students could learn the process of and practice essay writing. The skills highlighted were formulating a focused research question, developing an essay outline, creating citations, and organizing ideas. Students also had some fun by participating in team-building games and activities. The entertaining activities were intended to remind them to have a balanced and healthy lifestyle since being balanced is one of the attributes of the IB Learner Profile.


11학년과 12학년에서수행할광범위한과제에대해학생들을더잘준비시키기위해학생들은모범활동을완료했습니다. COVID-19 학제간에세이및프레젠테이션은학생들이에세이작성과정을배우고실습할수있도록설계되었습니다. 강조된기술은집중된연구질문을공식화하고, 에세이개요를개발하고, 인용을만들고, 아이디어를구성하는것이었습니다. 학생들은또한팀빌딩게임과활동에참여하여즐거운시간을보냈습니다. 균형잡힌생활은 IB 학습자프로필의속성중하나이므로재미있는활동은균형잡힌건강한생활방식을갖도록상기시키기위한것입니다.

Congratulations to our grade 11 students for completing the IB Bootcamp. They are now well-prepped for success for their ISD IB Diploma Programme journey!


IB 부트캠프를이수한 11학년학생들을축하합니다. 그들은이제 ISD IB 디플로마프로그램여정의성공을위해잘준비했습니다!