Physical Education at ISD
2023-03-20Qilin Talk

Recently, Grade 12 IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK) students organized a TOK exhibition as one of their assessment activities. The aim of the exhibition is to assess how students can apply TOK concepts to the real world.
For their exhibition they chose three objects (real or imagined) which have meaning for them in their lives. They were also objects to which the themes, concepts, perspectives, and ethical issues they covered in TOK may be applied. All three objects responded to a selected question – the Prompt– posed in TOK.

These were the “prompts” referred to in the general text.
-” Why do we seek knowledge?”
– “我们为什么要寻求知识?”
-“What role does imagination play in producing knowledge about the world?”
– “想象力在关于世界知识产出方面发挥什么作用?”
-“Does some knowledge belong only to particular communities of knowers?”
– “是否存在一些知识只属于特定的知识分子群体?”
-“How does the way we organize or classify knowledge affect what we know?”
– “我们组织或分类知识的方式是如何影响我们的认知?”
These were the questions the exhibition objects addressed.

Theory of knowledge (TOK) is a compulsory core subject of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). TOK plays a special role in the IBDP, by providing an opportunity for students to reflect on the nature of knowledge, and on how we know what we claim to know.

TOK has two compulsory assessments – the Exhibition and the TOK Essay. Students must complete and pass both of these assessments in order to graduate from the Diploma Programme. The Exhibition aims to show how TOK manifests in the real world and allows students to make connections between what they learn in the course to their own lives and experiences.

ISD community is thrilled with the outcome of the Grade 12 students TOK Exhibition. Students displayed how they have developed as a creative critical thinker, and compassionate person. They reflected the IB Learner Profile and the values of the IB Diploma Programme.